Category: Medicine

Apr 21

RTHK Documentary on Medical volunteer work in Haiti

Lucci Liyeung’s first ever RTHK Documentary of medical volunteer work in Haiti, also includes footage of Lucci drawing public health comic strips on cholera awareness =)

義行多國度 – 重建路漫漫
海地位於加勒比海上,是西半球最貧窮的國家。 2010年1月12日,一場七級大地震奪走了海地二十多萬人性命,超過二百萬人流離失所。災後一年內,再爆發霍亂疫症,世界各地志願組織紛紛趕至援助。來自香港的義工Lucci,於2010年12月,第二次踏足海地參與重建工作。 在香港中文大學醫學院就讀五年級的Lucci,夢想是加入無國界醫生。 她早在進醫學院前,已開始參與跟醫療相關的義工,曾經在非洲、南美洲等國家的醫院、孤兒院及動物診所服務。雖然只是醫科學生,但在貧窮落後地區,往往因為人手不足,令Lucci有機會參與前線醫護工作。而累積多次義工經驗後,她不單感受到幫助人的喜悅,亦堅定了自己行醫的路。 再次踏足海地,Lucci被派到位於首都太子港西面,約兩小時車程的萊奧甘(Leogane)市,在一所剛重建完成的醫院內當義工。2010年海地七級地震中,由於萊奧甘接近震央,災情比太子港更嚴重,無論醫療、建設上都極需援助。 在Lucci投入海地服務期間,卻遇上當地人因不滿總統選舉結果而引發騷亂,基於安全理由,所有義工被逼留在大本營內,首都機場更一度關閉。失望與擔憂之餘,Lucci卻能利用多出來的時間,參與繪畫衛生教育漫畫,幫助海地小朋友認識預防霍亂,令她在醫療專科以外,也發揮了繪畫的才華。

播映日期 :2011年2月5日(星期六)
晚上八時, 亞視本港台


Mar 16

Pea dub oh and tea!

Prince of Wales Hospital Orthopaedics and Traumatology

pea dub oh and tea – short for prince of wales hospital department of orthopaedics and traumatology (PWO&T)
- fastest rotation yet!

Thank you so much for providing me with the opportunity
to find where I belong
to feel that I really fit in.

please describe the radiograph and point out the abnormalities

pardon my inaccuracy in cheetah skeletal anatomy.
that is afterall not my expertise
nor is painting in gouache


Feb 04

World cancer day



Jan 16



We have all sutured bananas as medical students. Now it’s time to pay tribute to the celebrated hero who sacrificed his skin to future surgeons worldwide.
Sunana – the petrified banana in stitches.


Dec 01

World AIDS day



Nov 14

World Diabetes day 2010

World diabetes day

Let’s take control of diabetes. Now.

media: Japanese dye-based ink. Very different from the usual Winsor & Newton pigment-based watercolour, very different technique; but still tonnes of fun all the same =)


Oct 21

Intravenous Fluids

Intravenous Fluids

1. Inside a cabinet of a particular ward in a particular hospital were bags and bags of intravenous fluids.
2. Normal Saline, who resided in the left third shelf was deeply in love with 5% Dextrose, who lived right above him
3. Unfortunately…, 5% Dextrose was more attracted by Hartmann’s solution who lived next door.
D5: “He’s so cool, he’s got so many types of electrolytes!”
NS: “Bleh, I got like half of his!”
4. Patients in the wards were always prescribed 2D2S, therefore NS never had the chance to meet D5
5. There came a DM patient with Right upper quadrant pain one day.
6. He was prescribed 1/2 1/2 solution and fate has brought NS and D5 together!
7. Alas, D5 was quickly metabolized upon entering the vessels
8. But thank heavens the dosage was q6h, NS and D5 got to meet once again 6 hours later. This short and intermittent happiness was all that NS’s been looking forward to everyday;
and after discharge of that patient, NS started looking forward to the admission of the next DM patient.


Oct 15

Prince of Wales Hospital General Surgery Team 3

Prince of Wales Hospital General Surgery Team 3

I’m gonna miss PWH Surgery Team 3 SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!
Thank you so much for the fruitful 5 weeks of Surgical rotation, I’ve enjoyed everything, from ward rounds to bedside teachings to midnight emergency call, and have learnt more than I could ever hope for!


Oct 10

a final year medical student

A day in the life of a medical student

a cartoon speaks it all…
A day in the life of a final year medical student


Aug 05

What disease is this?

What disease is this?

answer is: Charcot Marie Tooth

Charcot when pronouced in French sounds like charcoal; that kitten in the middle is Marie from Disney’s Aristocats; the tooth is pretty self-explanatory
